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Friday, January 18, 2008

alone on Valentine's Day

Since it is mid January and Valentine's Day is fast approaching. I might write my thoughts about it now. Before I forget this rumble rumblings in my head. Being a 29 year old grown woman it is pretty unusual to see someone at my age to spend valentine's alone. Usually women my age got a boyfriend, a husband, a life partner or whatever you may want to call it. As for me I've got no one to spend it yet. I have no plans as of now. I am still hoping that cupid is just around the corner ready to struck my Mr. Right with his arrow. But even if cupid fails to show his presence I still will not contemplate because valentine's is just an ordinary day for me. People always think that in order to be happy we should associate ourselves with someone. Is it really the key to total happiness? I guess not. I maybe alone but I can assure you that I am not lonely. I still got my friends, my family and my niece and nephews. I still enjoy being myself and spending time with myself. I maybe introvert at times but it really takes an effort for me to get involve with someone especially in this day and age that women should be smart enough to choose their life partner or end up sorry at the end. I've been figuring out why I am not committed since my last relationship. I've been fishing my thoughts on rationales but this are the only reasons I got: 1. I am nowhere to be found but our home 2. I am nowhere to be found but home and 3. I am nowhere to be found but home.

Hmmn.. You might wonder what on earth I am doing at home? Where I could have gone somewhere and discovery new things in life. I've got plenty of reasons why I am home. Don't you worry I am not pregnant nor nursing a baby. LOL! I just stayed home because there is no place to go to but home.

Anyhow, if you yourself is alone on that day you can ask me out on dinner, just don't forget the flowers and the chocolates. LOL!


Wengthoughts said...

ang emo koh talaga!