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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Relieve your wedding planning stress

You don’t have to meditate for an hour everyday to help ease the tension and stress of wedding planning. If you’re short on time, just taking five minutes a day can help—especially when you’re in the middle of a stressful wedding task. Just take five minutes to do one of the following and you’ll be feeling better in no time.

  1. Breathe Deeply - Focusing on your breath has an amazing ability to melt away stress. Sit in an upright comfortable position. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your belly as you inhale slowly through your nose. As you inhale you should feel your belly expand. As you exhale slowly through your nose you should feel your belly pull in toward your spine. Put all of your focus on your breathing for 3-5 minutes and note the difference in your mood afterwards.
  2. Walk Around the Block - When tension creeps up, get moving. Take a quick walk around the block to get some fresh air and your blood moving.
  3. Plug In - Your iPod, that is. Listen to a favorite, uplifting song. If you’d like an extra boost of happiness, sing and dance along.
  4. Stretch - Holding your shoulders up around your ears? Take five minutes to stretch your arms, neck, legs, jaw, and back. Imagine your stress just melting off of your body.
  5. Unplug - Turn off your phone, computer or any other gadget that has you “on call” for just five minutes today. Turn off the radio and the TV too. Just sit in the quiet of your own thoughts for a change.
  6. Laugh - Look up your favorite comedian on YouTube and have a good laugh. Laughing is a great way to lighten your mood.
  7. Call a Friend - Take five minutes to call a trusted friend and hash out your feelings. You might gain a new perspective or just feel better for getting things off your chest.
  8. Write it Down - Jot your worries down on paper. Get it all out and leave your worries there. Move forward with a sense of renewal and lightness.
  9. Be Grateful - Name five things you are grateful for in this moment. Remember how much we have in life puts things into perspective.
  10. Have a Cup of Tea - Instead of drinking coffee, which can increase feelings of stress, opt for green tea instead. Take five minutes to drink your tea without doing anything else - just enjoy your tea. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that will help boost your immune system and help you feel better.

Taking small steps to manage stress and tension will have a big affect over time. You’ll enjoy a higher quality of life when you can relax and enjoy what you are doing - even when it involves a seating chart for 300 guests.