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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Matters of the Heart

If matters of the heart were easy to understand then all of the world would live in happiness. However they are not, and yet, even if they were do you think you would have the fortitude to see that which you love, that which makes you happy and hold on to it no matter what? Few ever do, for so many things stand in their way of doing so, the main object in their path being cowardness - the fear of finding that which makes you whole, the fear of actually being truly happy. In a world where so many other things can stand in ones way of happiness, how is it that we tend to be our own greatest obsticle and hinderence? What is it about ourselves that makes us so self-destructive? Why is it that when something comes along that has the potential to be the most wonderous thing in our lives we run the other way as fast and as far as our legs can carry us? Then we curse ourselves for letting the chance slip through our fingres? Just what is it that makes us question our own worth? Our own ability to cope with that which we desire above all else? In a life as brief and unpredictable as the one each of us live everyday why is it that we are unable, no matter how hard we try, to live each day to the fullest? To take that which is offered freely without hesitation and revel in the glory of it? Why are we unable to take that leap of faith that might forever change our lives for the better? If we were truly content with that which we have, would we still dream of other things to be desired? Would we dream at all...?


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Wengthoughts said...

tnx for visiting...taker.